Hadronb App store terms and conditions of service
Version 1.0

1. Introduction.
Applicable conditions. Hadronb App Store is a “Service” provided by Hadronb (“Hadronb”, “we”, “we”), located at XXX. Use of the Hadronb App Store and Apps in addition to any other digital content or services (referred to as "Content") available is subject to these Hadronb Terms of Service.

The use of the Hadronb App Store attributes to the CUSTOMER the status of user of the service (USER) and expresses the express full acceptance and without exception of the rights and obligations derived from each and every one of the terms and conditions expressed in this document.

1.2 Glossary
Update. It is a new version of the programs that improve the features of previous versions.

Application. It is a program that is designed to carry out a specific activity using a Hadronb Device and is also ready to be used by any other User. This program must be compiled using compile

Binary code. They are also called Binary. It refers to the result of processing the source code of a Program using a compiler. The binary code can be downloaded to a Hadronb Device.

Source code. It is the collection of instructions written using a human-readable language that will be translated by a Compiler into binary code understandable by a computer.

Content. Content is any data or information located in the Hadronb App Store, it includes (but is not limited to): text, images, video, program source code, program binary code, process description, Applications.

HadronB device. Refers to the electronic hardware of the HadronB platform or any other compatible hardware.

Program. It is a collection of source code designed to perform a specific activity.

Supplier. Any person or company that provides a service to HadronB. Among the suppliers we can find (but are not limited to) HadronB App Store Clients who sell applications, electronic payment gateways, advertising networks and any other organization that HadronB uses to provide its services.

Service. It is an activity or work that is carried out for a specific purpose.

User. It is the person who accesses Hadronb services, both to use the system for personal purposes or to commercialize programs or applications.

Seller. Any person who uses the Hadronb App Store platform to create programs and Applications with the purpose of selling them to other users of the platform. Hadronb can also be a seller.

2. Objective.
Hadronb App Store is a service platform that allows programs and applications to be made for "Hadronb Devices", and includes (but is not limited to) a program editor, compiler, application buying/selling platform and Application download system.

You will be able to use Hadronb App Store to:
a) Browse, find, watch, stream or download Content to your "Hadronb Device".
b) The creation of Content for your Hadronb Device for the purpose of personal use or for the purpose of publishing it on the Hadronb App Store for sale.

To use the Hadronb App Store, you will need a Computer that meets the compatibility requirements, has a working Internet connection, and has compatible software. Hadronb may offer Content or certain Content may be made available by third parties that are not affiliated with Hadronb. In that case, Hadronb will not be responsible or liable for any Content available on the Hadronb App Store that does not originate from Hadronb.

2.1. User account.
To use Hadronb App Store, you must create an account that will only be accessible to people of legal age. The Hadronb App Store privacy policies explain how we manage your personal data and protect your privacy when you use Hadronb App Store. Hadronb App Store may be required to share your personal information (such as your name and email address) with Providers in order to offer you Content or process your transactions. The Providers agree to use this information in accordance with their privacy policies.

2.2 Third Party Fees.
You will be responsible for any access or data fees incurred through third parties (such as your Internet provider or cellular provider) in connection with your use and viewing of the Content and the HadronB App Store.

23. Updates.
The Hadronb App Store, related support libraries, or Content may require updates, such as bug fixes, feature enhancements, missing plugins, and new versions (collectively, "Updates"). Such updates may be necessary for you to use the Hadronb App Store or to access, download or use the Content. By accepting these Terms and using the Hadronb App Store, you agree to receive such Updates automatically.

2.4. Unauthorized access to accounts.
You must protect your account information and not share it with anyone else. Do not collect personal data from any user of Hadronb App Store or other HadronB Services through Hadronb App Store, including account names or emails.

2.5. Rules of conduct.
All Hadronb App Store users must follow the following guidelines:
a) The use of offensive, blasphemous or vulgar language is not permitted. This also includes language of a racist, hateful, sexual or obscene nature in a public area. The application of this policy extends to the Content, comments, questions and/or answers.

b) It is not permitted to make a copy, reproduction, transformation, dissemination, distribution, transmission by any means, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication, total or partial representation of any Content found in the Hadronb App Store. Where the Content specifies otherwise, the provisions of that particular Content shall apply.

c) Treat or create Content that is considered illicit, offensive, that violates any intellectual property or of any other nature contrary to the law.

d) Processes data that may contain Viruses, or any other element that may cause damage or alterations that may harm Hadronb, Hadronb App Store or any Hadronb App Store User, and in turn directly or indirectly harm Hadronb App Store .

e) Use Hadronb App Store for any other purpose that is harmful to the interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, or deteriorate the services, the computer equipment of other Internet users (hardware and software), the equipment electrical or electronic, any type of machinery or Hadronb Device.

f) In general, any activity that goes against the law, morality and generally accepted good customs.

In the event that any of the guidelines are violated, access to your account may be disabled and content that is outside the guidelines of the Conditions may be disabled.

If Hadronb disables access to your account in accordance with the Terms, you may be prevented from accessing the Hadronb App Store, your account information or files, or other Content stored in your account.

2.6. Links to other platforms.
When the Content includes links to other websites, the user who publishes them must ensure that the content of said links follows the rules of the Rules of Conduct, otherwise access to your account may be disabled and the content in question will be disabled. .

2.7. Modifications of these Conditions.
If the Terms are changed, you will receive at least 30 days' notice and the new Terms will take effect after that period. If you use Google Play after such notice period, you will be deemed to have accepted the new Terms, which will apply to your use of all Content (including any Content you have installed or purchased in the past) and any subsequent installations or purchases.

3. Purchases and payments
3.1. Free content.
HadronB App Store may permit the download or use of Content free of charge on the HadronB App Store. Additional limitations will apply to your access and use of certain Free Content.

3.2. Purchase of Content.
The types of Application purchases possible through the HadronB Store platform are the following:

a) 1-1. The buyer can download the Binary Code of the Application only once to a single HadronB Device.

b) 1-M. The buyer may download the Application Binary Code any number of times to a single HadronB Device.

c) Unlimited. The buyer may download the Application Binary Code any number of times to any number of HadronB Device.

d) Source Code. The buyer obtains a copy of all Application Content, including (but not limited to) description, images and Source Code.

When you purchase Content from the HadronB App Store, you will enter into a separate sales contract based on these Terms (as applicable) with the seller (which may be HadronB).

Your agreement to purchase and use the Content will be completed when you receive the email from HadronB confirming your purchase of that Content. Likewise, the fulfillment of said contract will begin as soon as the purchase is completed.

3.3. Payment processing methods.
To facilitate the purchase of Content through the HadronB App Store, HadronB makes various payment processing methods available to you. You must comply with the applicable terms and conditions of service, as well as any other applicable legal agreements governing the use of a particular payment processing method, regardless of whether you enter into it with HadronB or a third party. HadronB may add or remove payment processing methods at its sole discretion. You will assume full responsibility for any amounts payable associated with purchases you make from the HadronB App Store.

3.4. Price fixing.
The pricing and availability of all Content displayed on the HadronB App Store is set by the User who posts it and is subject to change at any time prior to purchase.

3.5. Taxes.
The term "Taxes" refers to any duties, customs duties or any other taxes (other than income taxes) associated with the sale of the Product, including any penalties or interest. You will be responsible for all applicable Taxes and must pay the price of the Content without any tax reduction. You must also pay any taxes that the seller of the Content or HadronB are required to collect or pay. You must comply with all applicable tax laws, including reporting and paying any taxes arising in connection with your use of the HadronB App Store or your purchase of Content on or through the HadronB App Store. You will also be responsible for reporting and paying any applicable taxes.

3.6. Final nature of all sales.
All sales are final and no returns, exchanges or refunds are accepted. If for any reason an exchange, return or refund is made for a transaction, the transaction may be voided and the Content purchased through that transaction will no longer be accessible.

4. Rights and restrictions
4.1. Content License.
After completing a transaction or paying the applicable fees for the purchase of an Application, you will have the non-exclusive right to download and use the Binary Code on as many HadronB Devices as selected in the purchase process, but not any other Content of the Application and you will not be able to do the following:

a) Sell, rent, lease, redistribute, broadcast, transmit, communicate, modify, sublicense, transfer or assign any Content to any third party, including with respect to any download of the Content obtainable through the HadronB App Store, except as expressly expressly provided indicated and permitted.

b) Use HadronB App Store in conjunction with broadcast copying or capture programs (or similar software) to record or create copies of Content presented in broadcast format.

If the Application Source Code has been purchased, it will have the following:

a) Non-exclusive right to the Source Code under the "MIT License", which allows it to be used in any way, including including it in another Application for subsequent sale.

b) You will receive a copy of the rest of the Content of the Application, which is only for informational purposes and for personal use, so it cannot be used for any other purpose.

4.2. Patent law.
All title and intellectual property rights included in and relating to the Content accessible to you are the property of the respective owners of the Content and may be protected by copyright or other applicable intellectual property laws and treaties. This does not grant you any right to use said Content except when expressly specified.

4.3. Violation of license conditions.
If you violate any of the Terms, your rights under this license will terminate immediately and HadronB may prevent your access to the HadronB App Store, the Content, or your account without providing you with a refund.

4.4. Deletion or non-availability of Content.
When a User has purchased an Application other than Source Code, they may have access to the Content in accordance with the provisions of the Conditions. If any Content is found to be inappropriate, critical security issues are identified, or any applicable terms or legal provisions have been violated, HadronB may remove the Content you have purchased or stop providing you with access to it.

4.5. Limitations of liability.
The Applications are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall HadronB or HadronB App Store be liable for any claim, damages or other liabilities, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the App in question.



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